Sunday, October 28, 2012

PRIck Mark im not a dick and enter ur last name assface

Definition of a fuckin' Punk ass bitch..This dude brings his car in and says, i saw ur paint special for 750 including dings/dents..I say yeah right on...than he drops off his piece of shit suzuki flip mobile samurai off and it has a big ole fuckin' Crash in the front and he says "take ur time, it don't matter how long it takes, as long as u do it 4 days later he emails "can i pick up my car you said take ur time i put some cars in front of your car cause us said take ur he says well im in no hurry but i just want it back fast by the time we take in, it's been two weeks, and i pay a hundred bucks to haul the piece of shit over painter is in otay mesa next to Certifit, and CRower my painters like..dude..this isn't a fuckin ding this is a crash and imma charge you a grand for this i talk him down to 800 and the client agree's to pay 50 more, so there goes my profit....My middleman informs me that the painter needs a deposit before he starts working about two days before he two week aniversary of the truck being there...exactly one day later Prick head owner of the truck calls me and says "i reported my truck stolen" and I say , why would u do something so fuckin lame, if u know we didn't steal it dork? and he says where's my I'm like it's getting he says look tell me where it is and ill deal with the painter and you'll never see me again, I said cool as long as u pay me for the hundred bucks im out from towing it down there...he he comes over to my shop i give him his 400 bucks less the 100 i spent towing the piece of shit....and he says "cool thanks, and shakes my hand and looks me in the eye and says, sorry for being a dick, im really in no particular hurry i just wanted my shit like ok Dick for breakfast thanks for making my life impossible even though you don't even need your shit he leave in peace day later he files a rip off report and says that we took his car, or stole his car for 30 days and did nothing and that we extorted 100 bucks from him to tell him where his shit was, and that we abandoned the car at the mexican border, as if this is some quintin tarantin el mariachi fuckin dusk till fuckin dawn movie or some shit...."he left my car by the mexican border, fuckin pussy, hope ur ok having to go to the fuckin mexican border hope u didn't get a disease or anything....DICK.... there are DICKS in the world...this guy acts all chilll than come in here and he's like 69 years old and then files a he's a hypocrite too..

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