Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Amazingly BAD BAD BAD people can post anything they wish

Its amazing how anybody with a pulse and an ax to grind can literally write ANYTHING they wish regardless of the consequences to the business, luckily we know thousands of clients who know and support us and or don't believe everything they read, Take for example three people MARK VALADE, BenJamin, and JESSE, IN Short ORDER these guys wanted paint for their vehicles,

Mark calls and lies and asks, "can i take advantage of the 750 flat rate paint job which includes dings and dents, i know what it's like to not have a whole lot of money for a project so now that we're in a strong position to help San Diegans out we don't mind earning our money the old fashioned way, Earning it,,,

My truck is fine , no major damage, just want you to remove the stuff to make it look good and take your time, it's a weekend desert truck and I only take it out in the summer........... exactly ONE week later he calls and say's, I read some reviews and i'd lke to know if my truck will be ready SAT, just barely 4 or 5 working days so far,,,,we said "no" you told us to take our time and the truck was fine and it's' far from fine it's got a huge compound crunch in the front and that's going to cost us extra with our shop plus we now lost our turn because you said take your time, so please bare with us,,,,,,,,,,,,,

He just at this point lost all sense of decency, just calling all day, being a real pain in the ass, finally at the end of week 3, he calls and says, i've reported my truck stolen, and you need to tell me where it is right now, i was in complete shock that he preferred to file a false police report to punish us for "taking too long" when it was his idea plus a crashed corner on his truck. So I called him and said hey, what is going on, why would you do such a thing, it's just wrong, he replied "i don't care i want my car back and you tell me where it's at and i'll leave you alone and you'll nevr hear of me again, i thought it was a great idea, but i had spent 100 bucks on towing this truck down to my painters shop, so i said, OK ill tell you where the car is and I'll return your deposit gladly provided you pay me for the Tow bill which i paid for, He agreed, came over to the shop we gave him 300 dollars and kept 100 for towing he was ok with it, shook our hand, signed an agreement stating that we were off the hook and he held no resentment or prejudice and he signed, collected his 300 dollars and life is good.....

So here's the kicker, this bastard with NO WORD of HONOR, Goes down to my painter, strikes a new deal with him , essentially cutting me out of the deal, still left his car there for another week or two, and than he has the nerve to go to rip off report and states that we lied to him for 30 days, simply not true. He lied to us about taking our time, and that his truck was dent and crash free, than he writes that we extorted 100 bucks from him just to tell him where his truck was, when all we wanted was to recoup our towing money, it's not our truck we do not have any obligation to pay for other peoples towing bills, finally he stated that we left his car abandoned at the mexican border, folks my painter, and the shop he ended up using happens to be in otay mesa, between CROWERCAMS and AM PM mini Market, but when he describes it, it's oh so dirty mexico, near the mexicans, Marc you are a little harry man, You have NO word, NO honor and where I come from pal *by the border* we play smear the queer with people like you,,,punk.

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